INTERSTATE AUCTION CENTER. March 22, 10:00am. Spring consignment auction. Clean farm and ranch equipment. 3 miles east of SF, exit 402, Brandon, SD. Full listing:, 605-331-4550
CUSTER SCHOOL DISTRICT in Custer, SD, has teaching vacancies: Special Education, 8-12 Art, K-8 Music, Agricultural Science. Apply online Salary DOE. Until filled. 605-673-3154.
IN SEARCH OF PASTURE for 50-300 Pairs. 5th Generation, SD, ranchers looking to expand. Long term lease preferred but would consider short term. Call (605)690-1997
312 ACRES OF PRIME flat haying and grazing land for rent in Hand County near Ree Heights, SD. $80 per acre or best offer. Please call or text Mike at (712) 577-2297.
ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS statewide for only $150.00. Put the South Dakota Statewide Classifieds Network to work for you today! (25 words for $150. Each additional word $5.) Call this newspaper or 800-658-3697 for details.